The humanism of care

14/11/2019 - Events

A conference will be held on Monday 18 November at the Conference Room of the Biella Hospital for healthcare professionals and the public in the extraordinary presence of Michael Christensen, a professional clown who started in the 80s in New York to enter the hospital wards, thus becoming the first world clowndoctor.
Patch Adams, well known also thanks to the film with Robin Williams, is a doctor who dresses up as a clown. The volunteers of the Association Il naso in tasca (The nose in your pocket), on the other hand, are clowns who dress up as doctors, that’s why they are called clowns and are inspired by Michael Christensen, the first in the world.
He is universally recognized as the father of clown therapy.
Speakers besides Michael Christensen:
Dr. Vincenzo Alastra psychologist and psychotherapist, Head of Training and Human Resources Development ASL BI – Biella
Dr. Simona Ramella Paia psychologist and psychotherapist, Teacher and Supervisor Transactional Analyst (TSTA-P). Since 2001 consultant and supervisor of ODV clowns Il Naso in Tasca
The testimony of a Biella clowndoctor will be read by Mrs. Laura Zona, volunteer of the LaAV Association – High Voice Reading.
The detailed program is attached.


