Logo Terzo Paradiso

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The internationally renowned artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, originally from Biella, offered his work of art entitled “Third Paradise” as the official symbol and logo of Biella’s application to the Creative Cities Network, signing a manifesto endorsing the project, along with the “Ambassadors of Third Paradise”.

What is the “Third Paradise”?

“It’s the fusion between the first and second paradise. The first is the plece where human beings were totally integrated with nature. The second is the artificial paradise, created by human intelligence and which has now reached a global scale thanks to science and technology.

The ‘Third Paradise’ is the third era of humanity, represented by the balanced connection between craft and nature.

The ‘Third Paradise’ is the great myth that leads everyone to take personal responsibility in the global vision.

The word ‘paradise’ comes from Old Persian and means “protected garden“. And we are the gardeners in charge of protecting our planet and taking care of the human society that inhabit it.”

Michelangelo Pistoletto, 2003

The “Third Paradise” logo

The logo of the “Third Paradise” by Michelangelo Pistoletto is a reformulation of the infinity mathematical symbol. The two opposite circles represent nature and craft, while the central ring is the conjunction between the two elements and represents the womb of rebirth.

Biella “Third Paradise”: the UNESCO application’s logo is a “flag” which represents the pride of Biella and its surroundings for its traditions and creativity.

Organizations, companies and citizens can contribute to support the application, using the logo on their headed paper and on-line, thus becoming “ambassadors” of the project.


For more info please contact info@biellacittacreativa.it


“Third Paradise” logo

Biella’s Logo Application Handbook – UNESCO

Please notice that the logo can’t be used for commercial purposes.