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Biella’s projects refer to specific and very focused goals of the UCCN Mission Statement and UN Agenda 2030 in order to implement and develop each action fully responding to all UNESCO dictates.


following the UNESCO dictates and suggestions, cross-cutting initiatives are planned in order to promote Biella’s original textile vocation, its creativity (beginning from art, craftsmanship and design) and the City’s links to the Regions under-represented in the Network.


from the very beginning Biella’s management team has been working closely with national and international stakeholders, in order to select and plan all the projects included in the Application form, in collaboration with the main actors of the territory, following a wide and very inclusive process of creative ideation.


AGENDA UN 2030 Goal

Mission Statement Goal

Fully integrate culture and creativity into local development strategies and plans


In line with the best Biella tradition, where high quality textile production (product) has been transformed into urban-environmental creativity (territory) – like Oasi Zegna and Parco della Burcina – the following actions will be taken: recovery of the architectural legacy in urban settings (abandoned building in the city center and biennial architecture award); improved accessibility (info-monument signage, Terzo Paradiso-Sentiero 2020 bike path network) and valorization of human capital (advanced training courses in hospitality and territorial marketing). Project involving the Municipality of Biella, Piedmont Region, Oasi Zegna and local subjects to achieve long-term synergic sustainability.


Municipality of Biella, OASI ZEGNA, Fondazione Sella, Città Studi, Chamber of Commerce, ATL, Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte, Centro Rete Archivi Tessili e Moda, FAI

AGENDA UN 2030 Goal

Mission Statement Goal

Strengthen the creation, production, distribution and dissemination of cultural activities, goods and services


Beyond the traditional idea of a museum, realization of a double “high tech space/portal” in the city dedicated to information on wool and fashion design, based on the extensive archives of Biella’s historic Made in Italy brands. Enhancement of the Centro Rete Biellese Archivi Tessili e Moda: increase and diversification of members (now ca. 20), development of the communications system (web, theme-based apps) for scholars and professionals from the creative cities network. With local impact, the model of public-private collaboration is replicable in other cities of the circuit. The intention is to increase the number of physical and virtual (web) visitors and help them to discover the area and its creative history (active wool mills, industrial archeology, master craftsmanship in textiles).


Municipality and Province of Biella, Fondazione CRB, UIB, CCIAA, Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte

AGENDA UN 2030 Goal

Mission Statement Goal

Develop hubs of creativity and innovation and broaden opportunities for creators and professionals in the cultural sector


Residential training with scholarships for university students from network cities in the Master Fiber Design&Textile Processes program (Citta Studi, in ENG) and courses in Sustainable Design (Cittadellarte); organization of an international conference including member cities. Focus? Terzo Paradiso and sustainable fashion. The objective is to complete/develop the initiative in an ongoing exchange with the most active member cities. Organization of local instruction, with workshops at Biella companies and in the classroom, thanks to public-private sector collaboration. Powerful synergy with local early orientation projects (SkilLand), also in professional textile/artisanal contexts; possibility of expanding the experience by creating “interculture” for students in the first two years of high school.


Città Studi, Fondazione CRB, Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte, Unione Industriale Biellese, PoliDesign


AGENDA UN 2030 Goal

Mission Statement Goal

Fully integrate culture and creativity into local development strategies and plans


The project will develop an active Italy-Namibia collaboration. Biella, the “Italian wool capital”, promises to provide Keetmanshoop – the leading center of the wool-producing region of Namibia – with training (workshops in Biella for Namibian operators) and a mentorship for its future candidacy in Field Crafts&Folk Art. Regarding Karakul wool, Biella will support Namibian weaving/artisanship as strategic alternatives to the trade in animal hides. In the past, Biella produced a sustainable variant of this wool, today the most common in Namibia, whose artisans needs support. This collaboration involves technical-manufacturing and also creative aspects (storytelling the product, marketing of the creative industries), fostering growth that respects cultural diversities and valorizing the work of UCCN in the network of 170 Ambasciate del Terzo Paradiso.


Fondazione CRB, UIB, Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte, Associazioni Produttori Lanieri Namibiani, Governo Centrale e Regionale della Namibia

AGENDA UN 2030 Goal

Mission Statement Goal

Fully integrate culture and creativity into local development strategies and plans


Production internships (2 weeks)for creative talents and artists from all over the world (with UCCs and Ambasciate Terzo Paradiso, present also in underrepresented countries. Graz UCC of Design has already formally subscribed). The artists: inspired by their contact with Biella’s artisanal mastery, they create a work for the company and the city (an object, an audio-video, a performance, an intervention on the structures of the host company), together with Biella students, with whom they participate in and conduct workshops, meetings and forums in the city, with a final show of selected works. Theme, Terzo Paradiso. Strongly innovative experience for local businesses, through art: for a profound regeneration of the collective identity. Incisive impact for the number of subjects involved.


Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte, UCCs, UIB, CCIAA of Biella and Vercelli, GGI, POINTEX

AGENDA UN 2030 Goal

Mission Statement Goal

Strengthen international cooperation between cities that have recognized creativity as a strategic factor of their sustainable development


Realization of a biennial forum dedicated to sustainability, urban development, textile production processes and the impact of the final products on health. The forum envisages an international contest on the topic, open to the UCCs: the winning project will be incubated in Biella. The first topic will be WATER (production tool for textile making, key resource for the Biella area). Expected results? Realizing international pilot projects (thanks to the forum and contest); developing awareness/sensitivity to the issue among the general public; accelerating the emergence and development of sustainable and innovative business models inspired by the UN goals and the symbol of the Third Paradise: a totally international scope of action and impact.


Città Studi, Tessile e Salute, Sella Lab, UIB, Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte, Fondazione CRB