Land of creativity

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For the first time in Biella’s history all the 74 Mayors of its Province signed a Manifesto of Endorsement to support the Candidacy of Biella UNESCO Creative City, a project of the whole territory, founded on the past and future identity of this land of wool and textile excellence. This is the result of a shared journey which has been lasting for several months, through workshops and meeting in the territory.

The Candidacy of Biella represents then the will, the cohesion and the commitment of the whole territory.

The flag of Biella Candidacy to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network has been travelling through an extraordinary and very diversified area. 700 km of routes and streets connect a province of 913 kmq: from the Lake of Viverone to Rosazza pastures, from Ricetto of Candelo to the rice fields of Massazza, from mountains to hills and land and the city of Biella, of course.

The choral commitment is also supported by the active endorsement of the Piedmont Region, which considers the Candidacy of Biella as part of “the project of valorisation of the economy, culture and tourism of the Region”, as the President of Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio explains. “The project aims to promote a territory full of great potentialities”, the Mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino adds.