The Digital Pathology project promoted by the Biella Hospital – ASLBI is confirmed as a reference point for innovation at national level, and not only.
Thanks to the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and the Edo Tempia Fund, the Biellese Hospital is the first healthcare facility in Northern Italy equipped with this technology for routine diagnostics: since February, when it was fully operational, it has been analyzed to date an average between 2,000 and 2,700 slides per month, all transformed into high-resolution images, able to be “processed” by programs that support the accuracy of the diagnosis and above all to be shared in real time with specialists from around the world.
The entire press release is attached.
Comunicato stampa - Diciotto mesi di Digital Pathology, il bilancio e le prospettive
Ultimo aggiornamento file: 08/11/2023