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18/09/2019 - Events

The next appointment of Moving Sounds, scheduled for Saturday 21 September will take place at the Ecomuseum of Viticulture within the walls of the Ricetto of Candelo.

After the guided tour of the site at 4.00 pm, the Symphony concert of sounds will start, which will start at 17.00.

The protagonists of the show will be the Trio Rospigliosi musicians: Rieko Okuma (flute), Lapo Vannucci (guitar) and Luca Torrigiani (piano).

The group – which will dialogue with those present from 18.00 – will offer the songs of Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Tarréga, Carcassi, Procaccini, Bartok.

As usual, participation is free and free.

Information N.I.S.I. ArteMusica Tel. And Fax 0161.998105 – Cell. 338.7294638 – segreteria@nuovoisi.it – facebook.com/suoniinmovimento
