Up, verso l’alt(r)o

09/09/2019 - Events

In the parish of Santa Maria Assunta in Sandigliano a traveling show with a final choral dedicated to Pier Giorgio Frassati will take place on Saturday 14 September at 9.00 pm.

Up, verso l’alt(r)o.

The evening will be structured with stories taken from different moments in the life of the Blessed. Descriptive paintings will alternate in the church, in the new theater and in the gardens near the church.

Appointment with the public at 8.45 pm, for the division into groups: Witnesses of history the parents, (Massimo Negro and Erika Borroz), the friend, (Mirko Cherchi), the cook Ester (Maurizia Mosca) who marked on the calendar of the cooking “today a saint died”, and his sister (Noemi Garbo) accompanied by the music of Simona Colonna and Elena Straudi.

Scenes and costumes by Laura Rossi, directed by Manuela Tamietti.

Free admission offer. Information www.storiedipiazza.it


