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BiDigital 2019

06/09/2019 - Events

BiDigital returns September 28 to Sellalab Biella at the former Lanificio Maurizio Sella (Via Corradino Sella 10).

That of 2019 is the second edition of the event: BiDigital was born as an evolution of the SELLALAB Openday held in October 2017, to become the reference event on digital issues at regional level and beyond.

The new edition is dedicated to the innovation of SMEs – Small and Medium Enterprises on digital marketing and management issues.

A free event dedicated to the world of digital and innovation with non-stop conferences, networking opportunities and discussion between participants and speakers, workshops reserved for SMEs and free access to the area dedicated to Startups.

New speakers, courses, workshops and many other surprises await you!

Register now
