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We challenge the future – SMART CITY

31/05/2019 - Events

We challenge the future” is the initiative that the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biella Industrial Union has designed and organized with the aim of providing a strategic overview of the technological frontiers that businesses are facing.

These are moments of deepening and enrichment in which the technological tools are illustrated and told by experts in the sector and analyzed in concrete cases.

Living places with sustainability, efficiency and comfort: the world changes and the way people live and the way they live cities changes.

New services allow faster movements, the wi-fi coverage allows access to all sorts of information to have a 360 ° experience. Furthermore the cities themselves can optimize energy consumption and improve liveability.

Speakers include:

Marco Tasso Sales Manager Public Administration Local Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta TIM – Vice President of the ICT Directive Council of the Industrial Union of Turin

Giuseppe Giordano Chief Executive Officer Enerbrain

Graziella Roccella Chief Operating Officer Planet Idea

Gianluca Cristoforetti Urban Architect and Research & Innovation consultant

Free admission upon reservation. For registration see https://www.ggibiella.it/it/sfidiamo-il-futuro
