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04/05/2019 - Events

From May 4th to 12th, return #fuoriluogo. City and culture.

After the public success of the last edition, #fuoriluogo reappears not only as one of the most anticipated events in the Biella area but also as a reality able in a short time to attract the attention and curiosity of the city. Twenty-three appointments in nine days in which it will be possible to attend and attend numerous events, meetings with authors, performances, tastings, exhibition itineraries, breakfast with the author and guided tours to discover the hidden places of the city. But not only that, for this new edition #fuoriluogo has decided to go – virtually – to Japan and – really – to the Cervo Valley to introduce its public to new interesting realities.

Also at the helm this year will be Eleonora Celano, Deborah Mancin and Gianni Crestani who, assisted by Alessandra Palmi, have decided to reconfirm the format of past editions, inserting seductive novelties. Thanks to #fuoriluogo, in fact, the city of Biella will be the protagonist of a great cultural event. On June 22nd, in fact, the five finalists of the Strega Prize will arrive in the city, which will be hosted at the Villani Social Theater. A great success of #fuoriluogo, this, which will allow Biella to host a stage of the most important literary prize in Italy, having the better of many other Italian cities on the list to welcome the event.

Moreover, for this edition, #fuoriluogo has included in its program of events three events that will tell the relationship between father – mother / son, thus enhancing the theme of the important exhibition “Father and Son. Ettore Pistoletto Oliviero and Michelangelo Pistoletto” realized from the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, the Pistoletto-Cittadellarte Foundation and the Zegna Foundation.

There will be important names in journalism, art and culture, including: Gianluigi Nuzzi, the editor of the newspaper “La Stampa” Maurizio Molinari, the writer Luca Scarlini.

Guided tours to discover hidden places of the city will continue thanks to the precious collaboration with the art historian Alessandra Montanera.

The important collaboration with the daily newspaper La Stampa, media partner, is reconfirmed, thanks to which the weekend appointments return with the reading of the newspapers in the morning in some cafes of the center, in addition to the meeting with the director Maurizio Molinari who will present his last book “Why did it happen here?” Furthermore, the collaboration with the illustrator Andrea Della Fontana who created the graphics of the program is reconfirmed, with BTREES that will take care of the social communication, with Officine Lavoro for the appointment with Pino Mercuri, Director of Human Resources at Microsoft Italia, and with Microsolchi for the presentation of the book “Amico Faber: Fabrizio de Andrè told by friends and colleagues” by and with Enzo Gentile.

Among the novelties of this edition there will be the presentation of the new website: www.fuoriluogobiella.it
