Art in the center: exhibitions, meetings and workshops

10/10/2019 - Events

Art at the center of a responsible social transformation, from the name of the appointment it is not complex to deduce its contents: it is art, in all its forms, at the center of the 22nd edition of the initiative, which will take place, as usual, in the spaces of the Pistoletto Foundation Sunday 13 October 2019.

The review – which avails itself of the patronage of the ILO, the United Nations International Labor Organization – includes new exhibitions (which can be visited until 11.00 pm), intended as activity devices open to the collaboration of different subjects, as well as to fruition by of visitors.

The day, which will start at 4:00 pm with the activities to then officially open at 6.30 pm, is aimed at a very varied target group, from contemporary art lovers to a general public, from families to children.

The offer, in fact, includes multi-thematic activities articulated through exhibitions, meetings and workshops, which narrate artistic practices of transformation of the social contexts in which they develop, created by Cittadellarte and its international network consolidated over the years.

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