Biella in scena 2019-2020

01/10/2019 - Events

The new season of the Villani Social Theater kicks off on Saturday 26 October.

Here is the message from the Organizational Director, Mario Liore, and the Artistic Director, Rita Ballarati:

Every theater season brings with it expectations, expectations, trust, commitment and determination, Biella in Scena 2019/2020 is particularly so.

We participated in a call for tenders that saw us winners, with immense pleasure, for the second time and this fills us with great pride, after a few weeks of uncertainty.

Next season will be a tribute to Emotions, joy, expectation, emotion, enthusiasm, loneliness, anger, passion.

Re-reading these moods are those that we experienced while we were working on the new project for the Villani Social Theater. We are Mario Liore, Rita Ballarati, Silvia Naretto, Katia Billia, Ludovico Capussella, Il Contato del Canavese, a somewhat strange name, made up of faces that by now you have learned to know.

All of us, few, to tell the truth, let’s do Teatro! What does Fare Teatro mean? Too long to explain but we guarantee two things:

– The First: it is a job not a hobby, almost always a good job, better than many others, almost always.

– The Second: when the curtain closes, then reopens and the audience rises to applaud giving the impression of not wanting to leave the theater, here in that moment “doing theater” is the most beautiful job in the world!

The program is attached.


