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City of lands

18/05/2019 - Events

The second edition of City of lands. Ronco and the Biellese for ceramics.

City of lands starts from the long tradition of the terracotta artisan production, the so-called “bielline“. The presence in Ronco of the Ecomuseum of Terracottas is the starting point to build a path that includes part of the Biella area, in order to combine a ancient knowledge with the most innovative experiences of contemporary artists.

On 18 and 19 May 2019, Good morning Ceramic takes place throughout Italy, the event that has made the art of modeling, baking and painting clay, the most joyful and colorful spring weekend.

It is an ideal journey, but not only, through the hand-made Italy, the art shops and artist’s ateliers, the creativity that renews tradition, the elderly masters and young designers. Good morning Ceramic is also an experiential journey that brings out the pleasure of expressing oneself and doing: working with clay stimulates sensations and emotions, it is therapeutic.

The Biellese edition is distributed in three municipalities: Ronco Biellese, Graglia and Sordevolo, and is presented both as an exhibition of ceramic creations, and as a photographic exhibition, offering the public different possibilities to approach such an ancient artistic technique.

All three exhibitions will open on Saturday 18 May and will be open to the public every Sunday until 16 June 2019 from 15.30 to 18.30 or by appointment.

See more on http://www.bi-boxartspace.com/citt-di-terre-ronco-e-il-biellese-per-la-ceramica
