The Local Health Authority of Biella supports and enthusiastically supports the candidacy of “Biella Creative City”, telling the artistic project of humanization implemented in the new garrison and that wants to be the reflection of a territory, the Biella area, versatile and increasingly capable to renew itself and to relate to each other, enhancing its resources and potential in a network logic.
Since 2015 the Third Paradise has been hosted as a central symbol on the roof of the hospital garden, signed by the master Michelangelo Pistoletto and created by the students of the High School “G. and Q. Sella” of Biella.
The decision to place it in the new garrison, in a point visible from all areas of hospitalization, is the result of an intuition that reflects the desire to create a technological and avant-garde health center, but where the human component and hospitality were equally important and therefore immediately noticeable for the people who access it, as well as for professionals who work every day.
Read the entire press release attached: