Flora in watercolor

03/09/2019 - Events

Flora in watercolor” – scheduled from 6 to 8 September and from 13 to 15 September at the Cantinone of the Province of Biella – is an exhibition that offers about fifty portraits of watercolor plants that represent their morphological and botanical characteristics through the detailed drawing from life and the controlled application of color, so as to make the different textures and transparencies of plant tissues on paper.

In honor of the city of Biella, among the exhibited works, there will also be the Cornflower Biellese, Centaurea bugellensis, an endemic species found in a limited area of the Val Sessera, discovered in 1996 by the botanist Adriano Soldano from Vercelli.

The botanical watercolors protagonists of the exhibition are the work of Angela Petrini, Carla Lissa, Maria Giuseppina Lissa, Odette Rösch Ranzini.


Friday 15.00 – 18.00

Saturday and Sunday 10.00 – 13.00 / 15.00 – 18.00

The artists will be present during the opening hours of the exhibition and available to the public for information on the history and technique of botanical painting.

On Sunday 8 and 15 September, from 10.30 am to 11.30 am Angela Petrini will hold demonstrations of botanical watercolor.


