Great success for the IX World Congress of Colored Sheep held in Oropa in the past few days and to which, at the invitation of the Biella The Wool Company Consortium, a hundred breeders from all over the world participated. wanted to express their support for Biella’s candidacy for the “Unesco Creative Cities” network.
Biella confirms once again the international capital of wool: on Monday 20 and Tuesday 22 May over a hundred breeders and researchers arrived in the Biellese for the occasion: Australia, New Zealand, United States, Farroe Islands, South America, Indonesia, Germany, France, England, Ireland, are some of the nations represented during the two-day conference.
The Biella Consortium The Wool Company (a non-profit company created in 2008 by a group of experts in the textile sector) has been devoting itself to the treatment and promotion of native wools for a decade, following every step of wool processing: in particular, it transforms the finished product into finished products. raw wool from small farms of typical European sheep breeds, also carries out an innovative work of cultural and artistic dissemination of the “wool” theme, declined in communication actions across the board.
Part of the congress program was dedicated to visiting the Consortium’s headquarters in Miagliano – to see the native wools and the many ways in which they can be creatively enhanced – of the Perrettino di Verrone and the Lanificio F.lli Piacenza of Pollone.
The President of the National Trade Association Laniero, Piercarlo Zedda, opens the conference and brings official greetings to the participants. During the two days various topics related to the “colored sheep” were treated, from genetic research to animal welfare, to the future of wool in a world that has finally begun to understand the benefits of natural fibers compared to synthetic fibers and that puts the theme of sustainability is at the center.
At the end of the congress the candidacy of the city of Biella to enter the UNESCO Creative City circuit was also presented to the international public by the President of the Consortium Nigel Thompson, enthusiastic supporter of the candidacy project that with his enthusiasm involved all the participants in a ” group photo “next to the logo of the Third Paradise elaborated by Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Finally, during the Gala dinner on Tuesday evening, the “Friends of Wool” presented “Words of wool”, a show conceived to bring children closer to the world of wool, with Laura Rossi’s puppets and directed by Manuela Tamietti (
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Ultimo aggiornamento file: 06/11/2023
Ultimo aggiornamento file: 06/11/2023