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Leap Practices 1.0

28/06/2019 - Events

On Sunday 30th June at 18.00 (with a replay at 19.15), in the context of the series of initiatives of the exhibition Ettore Pistoletto Olivero. Michelangelo Pistoletto. Father and Son (Padre e Figlio) (Biella-Trivero, 17 April-13 October 2019), the Seat of the Third Paradise in Biella, Via Cernaia 64, will host Leap Practices 1.0, site-specific dance show curated by Opificiodellarte in collaboration with Art’è Danza ASD and Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo.

A show that investigates the rational and instinctual part of the dancer dealing with thoughts, conflicts and fears that precede a creation, but also sensations, instincts and intuitions that return spontaneity during the dance. Dreaming of art, within the walls of an old industrial establishment, the performance will lead the viewer on an exciting journey to the center of the Third Paradise. It is a multi-hand show choreographed by Giorgia Bovo and Ester Fogliano with the collaboration and participation of the young dancers of Leap Practices, a project supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo.

Event in collaboration with Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto.

Single ticket: € 10.00

Info and reservations: info@opificiodellarte.it | tel. 015 30901
