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National course in underground biology and ecology of underground environments

06/06/2019 - Events

At the Trappa will be held the “National course of underground biology and ecology in hypogeum environmentsfrom 6 to 9 June, organized by the Speleological Group of Biella CAI.

The course aims to provide a basic culture on the hypogeum ecosystem and the fauna located there. The theoretical lessons will alternate with practical excursions in the cave to give the opportunity to touch the research activity. The program also includes a conference open to the public and with free admission, scheduled for Saturday 8 June 2019 at 21.00.

The meeting, curated by Tiziano Pascutto, is entitled “MOVILE CAVE – The Grotto of the Martians“.

For further information: ettore@medioambiente.bi.it – elena.minuzzo@sns-cai.it.
