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Why joining the network?

  • To highlight the cultural heritage of a city on a global scale.
  • To increase and share the visibility of cultural clusters all over the world.
  • To nurture innovation through an exchange of know-how, experiences and good practices.
  • To promote cultural and creative products on national and global markets.
  • To create new cooperation and partnership opportunities with other cities.
“Biella boasts a century-old business culture, which has always considered creativity a peculiar characteristic. This Candidature offers us a unique opportunity to recognize it, enhance it and make it known to the world”

Carlo Piacenza - President Biella’s Industrial Union

“Be bold, be visionaries, the Region is with you and supports Biella's Candidature as an expression of Piedmont. Good ideas are those that change territories”

Antonella Parigi - Assessore alla Cultura e Turismo della Regione Piemonte

“This is an opportunity to let the world know about our know-how, our culture of production, our passion for work”

Marco Cavicchioli - Mayor of Biella

“We know our value and our history: in the contemporary world it’s sometimes necessary to raise the voice to be heard”

Nino Cerruti - Fashion designer and businessman

"Biella Terzo Paradiso: the Candidature logo, synthesis of nature and artifice, is a flag that represents the pride of Biella territory for its own tradition and creativity"

Michelangelo Pistoletto - Artist, painter and sculptor

“Biella is an extraordinary territory from the lake to the mountain: with this Candidature, the city brings its cultural creativity to the attention of an international circuit, starting from its manufacturing mastery”

Franco Ferraris - President Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella

Biella Creative City of Craft&Folk Art
