Night shift

02/10/2019 - Events

The new edition of Night shift is about to start, with four new scenes recited (and a musical surprise) along the workers’ path that reaches the Fabbrica della ruota starting from the Rifugio La Sella di Baltigati (Soprana).

In the same way as the previous editions, the evocative night walk, the magic of Teatrando actors, a bit of historical disclosure and, last but not least, a convivial occasion with chestnuts and apple wine on arrival will merge together.

Appointment Saturday 5 and 12 October from 7.30 pm at the Prayer Wheel Factory.

Departures for groups of 30 people continue about every 20 minutes. Last departure h. 21:30.

Reservations required (€ 10.00) specifying the departure time – cell. 333 5283350

For information: – tel. 015 7388393


