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Pollone from the sky

14/06/2019 - Events

Now in its 9th edition, the “Pollone from the sky” festival will take place on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June, with hot air balloons on both holidays, a helicopter for tourist flights that will fly on Sundays and kites for the fun of the smaller.

The musical evening on Saturday, after dinner with an Alpine grill, will see the Biella-based band Radiorock perform on stage.

The “Sunday market” includes 40 benches for hobbyists, non-profit organizations and other exhibitors. Guests will be the stand of the group “Asilo Frassati” of Pollone, of the “Piccoli Artigiani” workshop that will present their works inviting those present to participate in the works, and of the “Mani di Donna” hobbyists, with the participation of 15 hobbyists.

At the PalaFenoglio, the cultural part of the event, the exhibition “North Pole from Heaven” will be present; a shuttle will be available to get there.

For the little ones, there will be a section of the “Courtyard Games“, which will include 60 gaming stations positioned in the square. You can interact with all the games of the past, made entirely of wood, to entertain children of all ages in total safety, handing down the value and importance of traditions.

For info and reservations for balloon trips: 339 1556409 – 366 5918198
