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PRIZE + beauty in the Valley

03/06/2019 - Events

The Prize + beauty in the Valley, promoted by the Rotary Club of Valle Mosso which has set up a special management committee, aims to contribute to improving the beauty of the Biellese Orientale Territory.

Aimed at recognizing and enhancing the interventions carried out in the area that have led to an improvement in the landscape, it is divided into two sections, Construction and Environmental.

At its 1st edition, almost 30 interventions were nominated. The Jury, composed of Corrado Panelli, president, Elena Accati, Alberto Barberis Canonico, Luisa Bocchietto, Andreas Kipar, Cristina Natoli, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Andrea Rolando and Giovanni Vachino selected the finalists and also decided to indicate the relevance and uniqueness of the The Ermenegildo Zegna family from Trivero is constantly working over the years in favor of the care and improvement of the beauty of the territory.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the Successori Reda woolen Mill, the REDA Prize for beauty was established which is therefore attributed to the Ermenegildo Zegna Group of Trivero, Valdilana.

The Prize will be awarded on the occasion of the Award Ceremony which will be held on June 15th, at 4.30pm, at the auditorium of the Castagneto Restaurant, at the Brughiera di Trivero, Valdilana. On this occasion the reasons for the choice made will be communicated.

The award ceremony will be followed by a round table in which they will participate:

Andreas Kipar, landscape architect, member of the Jury

Luca Dal Pozzolo, professor and director of the Piedmont Cultural Observatory

Guido Venturini, former general manager of the Italian Touring Club

Paolo Piana, president of the Rotary Club of Valle Mosso promoter of the Award.

Corrado Panelli, president of the Jury, said “a Prize like ours could not fail to attest that on the Territory there is one of the most relevant examples at national level of works created by a private individual with the specific purpose of increasing the pleasantness of the environment in which lived his fellow citizens and above all his collaborators and his employees. This social vision of the value of beauty and the ability to interpret it in an easily understandable and shareable way, make Ermenegildo Zegna and his family that continues the mission a shining example of the spirit and reasons of the Prize + beauty in the Valley“.
