Qui c’entro

12/08/2019 - Events

A narrative through images to rediscover the history of Biella: from the maximum industrial expansion of the Sixties to the de-industrialization of the Eighties and Nineties.

With “Biella, a portrait of a factory town” by Qui c’entro, the second edition of the exhibition on the walls proposes a route that winds through the city with 9 giant photographs – of which we propose the first four attached, already posted in the past weeks while the others will arrive in September – and five exhibition spaces located within: Camera del Lavoro, Biella Civic Library, Città Studi Biella Library, Sella Foundation and Spazio Cultura of the Cassa di Risparmio Biella Foundation.

It will be a real visual immersion in the over three hundred images of places, architecture, structures and productive infrastructures that have marked the economic, industrial and social history of the city center of the Biellese wool textile district system.


