Studi e ricerche sul Biellese

25/11/2019 - Events

Friday, November 29th, at the Civic Library of Biella (co-working room) from 5.00 pm, the bulletin 2019 “Studi e ricerche sul Biellese” will be presented.

This is the 34th edition of the yearbook that the DocBi has published since its foundation in 1985.

The eleven contributions hosted in the book will be illustrated by the authors present, coordinated by Marcello Vaudano. The event is organized in collaboration with the Civic Library.

Here is the volume index:

DANILO CRAVEIA, Trivero from the Revolution to Napoleon

NICOLÒ D’ORIA, Ideas for a Public History in Biella

MASSIMILIANO FRANCO, Notes for an industrial anthropology

CARLO GAVAZZI, Two artists “conscientious objectors” in Oriomosso

DARIO LANZA, The Ricetto of Sandigliano: knowledge and open questions

PIER LUIGI PERINO, When we are not a urinàri: the drought in the Biella area

RICCARDO QUAGLIA, The Biellese and its greatest glories in the correspondence of Emanuele Sella

MARIO C. RAVIGLIONE, FABRIZIO BOGGIO, MARY MARGARET CASSIDY, The moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of the Biella-Monte Rosa area

SIMONE RICCARDI, The Ferrero Fieschi palace frescoes in Biella Piazzo: a first survey

MARIO C. RAVIGLIONE, FABRIZIO BOGGIO, MARY MARGARET CASSIDY, The diurnal lepidopterans of Biellese (Lepidoptera Ropalocera)

MARCELLO VAUDANO, “Night shift” 2017


