Thirty-year Arcipelago Patatrac

22/10/2019 - Events

In a world where art and culture help people improve their ability to adapt to change, and to trust in solidarity as a way out of the moral crisis by overcoming fear and nihilism, for 30 years the Arcipelago Patatrac has been educating children and young people to get in touch and share the deepest emotions to give them form through art.

Under the direction of Franca Bonato and Massimo Ozino, for more than thirty years Arcipelago Patatrac has offered artistic and entertainment experience, research on Educational Theater to promote the balanced development of the child and commitment in the Social Theater to support integration and well-being of the person.

All this constitutes the incredible historical and cultural baggage of Teatro Patatrac and gives guarantee of competence and professionalism.

To expand the educational offer, for thirteen years the association has joined with Art’è Danza & Musica to create Opificiodellarte, a center for training, production and artistic enjoyment, which through its many regional and national initiatives and collaborations is committed to promote artistic expression aimed at creating youth aggregation, social inclusion and cultural integration.

To celebrate these first thirty years of activity, Arcipelago Patatrac organized the conferenceArt, culture and emotional education: for a new sense of the US” which will be held at Opificiodellarte on 26 October.

The day will open with greetings from the management of Opificiodellarte and the authorities (Isabella Scaramuzzi – Councilor for Social and Welfare Policies, Housing Policies, Family of the Municipality of Biella, Massimiliano Gaggino – Councilor for Culture, Events and Manifestations and Technological Innovation of the Municipality of Biella and Elena Chiorino – Councilor for Education, Work, Professional Training, Right to University Study of the Piedmont Region).

The highlight of the conference will be the speech by Prof. Daniele Novara, pedagogist and founder of the CPP (Psycho-pedagogical Center for Education and Conflict Management) which will focus on how to build a new educating community.

Then, a comparison on the territory together with the representatives of the Zancan Foundation, the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, the Compagnia di San Paolo, the Ragazzi and Giovani Theater Foundation of Turin, the Pistoletto Foundation – Cittadellarte and the Catholic Teachers Association.

The representatives of Studio di Psicodramma – School of specialization in Psychotherapy and of the School of Playback Theater will close the morning.

The work will continue on the morning of Sunday 27 October with the meeting “Biodiversity, a value to defend“, which provides for a more specific debate on social issues and disability, in which representatives of the Cooperative Domus Laetitiae (which has been working for 30 years with participation Arcipelago Patatrac), of the Social Consortium Il Filo da Tessere, of TRAME (Regional Network for Disability Theater), of the Dopo Di Noi Association and of the Diocesan Caritas.

Three parallel Teatro Sociale workshops will follow, composed of an integrated group of skilled and disabled artists.

The events, open to the public and to school staff, are free upon reservation at the e-mail address


