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Transumando 2019

20/05/2019 - Events

Saturday  June 1th, the twentieth edition of “Transumando” is scheduled, the feast of transhumance that offers a day in the wake of the herd of Valter and Lauro Croso, in the stretch between the hamlet of Cerale di Camandona and the Bocchetto Sessera, along the ancient “strada dell¹alpe”.

The Mountaineer and its herd of over two hundred head of cattle, left in the night, will continue the transhumance towards the Alpe Moncerchio to then reach the Alpe Campelli, with a journey of about sixteen hours.

The event is organized by DocBi – Centro Studi Biellesi in collaboration with Oasi Zegna, ATL, Biella Alps Tourist Consortium, Italian Touring Club, CASB, Breeders’ Association of Biella and Vercelli and Biellese Museum Network.


about 8.00-8.30 – In the hamlet of Cerale di Camandona, meeting with the herd of Valter Croso to follow the 3-hour climb along the Alpe al Bocchetto Sessera road.

about 10.00 – From the Bocchetto Sessera the environmental guide will accompany the group on the descent to meet the herd at Alpe Marchetta, listen to the concert and then climb up to Alpe Moncerchio.

10.30 – Concert Alphorn Group (horns of the Alps) in the pasture of Alpe Marchetta

11.30 – Passage of the herd to the Bocchetto Sessera

12.30 – Mountain lunch at Alpe Moncerchio (booking recommended: 3397289682)

3.00 pm – Concert of the horns of the Alps in the pasture of Alpe Moncerchio

5.00 pm – Round table: “Transhumance and pastoral world in the Biella area”. Bielmonte, hotel Bucaneve (gc). Speeches by Gabriele Ardizio, Roberto Fantoni, Mattia Perino, Giovanni Vachino.
