Walking the Resistance

04/10/2019 - Events

Walking the Resistance” is an initiative promoted by the Valle Elvo and Serra Ecomuseum since 2006, with the aim of intertwining the values ​​of the Resistance with those of peace, respect for the environment and cultures.

Among the different routes proposed in the various editions, the one that goes up to the Varnei, above the Trappa, takes on a particular symbolic meaning.

In this hut, near the “cave of the wild man“, the first nucleus of “rebels” of the Elvo valley was established in the autumn of 1943, later merged into the great partisan movement that will be found in the territory of the moraine of the Serra and in the country of Sala the ideal physical and social context for the fight against the Nazi-Fascist dictatorship.

As every year, on October 6th we will follow the beginning of that journey again.


09.30 meeting at the Trappa and departure of the excursion

13.00 return to the Trappa and hot meal

15.00 documentary film projection “28 MAY – 4 JUNE 1944 A LONG WEEK OF BLOOD” Created by Pier Giorgio Clerici and Rolando Magliola

Attached the poster.


