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14/10/2019 - Events

The second edition of the Biella orientation exhibition will be presented at a press conference on Wednesday 16 October 2019 at 11.00 am in Città Studi (Corso G.Pella, 2).

Speakers include:

FRANCESCO FERRARIS, president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biella Industrial Union

ANDREA VALENTINI, president of Young Entrepreneurs of Cna Biella

GIANLUCA SPAGNOLO, Schools of Biella On the Net

ELENA CHIORINO, Councilor for Education, Labor, Vocational Training and Right to Education of the Piedmont Region

CLAUDIO SPADON, director of the Piemonte Lavoro Agency

GABRIELLA BESSONE, Councilor for Education and Public Instruction of the Municipality of Biella

LUCA MURTA, Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation

GIANPIERO MASERA, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Biella and Vercelli
