Biella creative city

Unesco Open Circuit: an exciting journey among the Biellese excellences

Great end for the Arcipelago Festival which on October 31st will celebrate the two years since the appointment of Biella as a UNESCO Creative City with a special “Creative Open Circuit among Biella’s excellences”.
Over a dozen companies involved will open their offices for the occasion free of charge to visitors who will thus be able to discover the secrets of the “creative know-how” that brought Biella to the UNESCO network.

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Republic of Namibia official partener of Biella candidate UCC Crafts&Folk Art

One of the strategic projects in Biella’s Dossier involves an exceptional partner: the Republic of Namibia, one of the regions currently underrepresented in the in the Unesco Creative Cities Network.

The project, based on the specific know-how and identity of the two territories involved, traces a creative axis between the Italian capital of wool, Biella, and Keetmanshoop, reference city of the Namibian wool region, Karas and represents a cooperation model that Biella wants to extend to other cities already in the network, on specific creative sector and/or crosscutting initiatives


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180 Cities with about 400 delegates from all over the world joined the XIII Annual UNESCO Creative Cities Conference in Fabriano from 10 to 15 of June 2019). And the City of Biella was present as well, as guest of the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Fabriano e Cupramontana.

It was the chance to explain the creative commitment of Biella’s territory, as represented by its Candidacy to join the Network. Thanks to a stand dedicated to the project in Carifac’arte spaces (Le Conce), delegates from other cities of the Network and interested people could discover more about Biella’s creativity.

Biella for UCCS

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The project was born in 2008 from the comparison between the Municipality o...

Biella Creative City of Craft&Folk Art


