MADE IN BIELLA turns 40 years old

20/12/2019 - Updates

It was 1979 when a young Biellese named Ezio Greggio, together with his sister Paola and Davide Dondena, had a simple and ingenious intuition: to tell everything that is happening in their city in a magazine that gives voice to an ancient yet very modern industry, at the center of the production of a system that at the end of the 1970s was about to become a planetary phenomenon.

This is how the first issue of Made in Biella is born, a six-monthly issue that tells the story of the textile companies of the Biella district.

Right from the start the mission of the magazine is clear: to bring to the fore all the facets of a production system of excellence, which has deep roots in history but also in the geography of a unique and resourceful territory, but too often not told by the press mainstream.

The consensus is immediate: from the pages of Made in Biella pass fundamental events of a group of entrepreneurs who, from the tradition of men’s fabrics, will build, in a magical moment in the history of our country, the myth of Made in Italy.

Thus, prestigious names and small businesses have the opportunity to talk about themselves and make themselves known, and with them grows a city that today can fully define itself as a “city of fashion“.

The great television success inevitably projects Ezio Greggio in a more Milanese dimension, however the affection and its presence will never be missing. Sister Paola together with her husband Davide Dondena give lymph and backbone to the magazine that through the 80s and 90s punctually tells about the becoming of a production complex that has become from local dimensions a pole of international interest, with professional training schools and research laboratories, sensitive to the demands of sustainable economy even before it became a priority for the entire fashion system.

Today, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the magazine (now in its eightieth issue, with a special cover created by Ugo Nespolo), Paola Greggio is still coordinating the special issue. With her Giusi Ferrè and Silvano Esposito, to tell forty places to visit, forty specialties to taste, forty names that have written the history of the city of Biella.

Forty years of fashion lived in the front row through news and opinions that are – today more than ever – an opportunity to tell our past and reflect on our future.


