Accessibility Feedback Form

Home / Accessibility Feedback Form

    Using this form you can send to Cittacreativa Visit Biella of the Municipality of Biella reports relating to failure to comply with the general principles for accessibility envisaged by the Law 09-01-2004, n. 4, art. 3-bis and to the provisions of Guidelines on the accessibility of IT tools

    The personal data entered will be used by Cittacreativa Visit Biella of the Municipality of Biella exclusively to provide a response to any problems reported.

    The fields marked with the symbol (*) are mandatory.

    Applicant data

    Subject of the feedback request

    Subject of the report:
    Cittacreativa Visit Biella thematic website - Site URL

    Description of the feedback request

    Please briefly and clearly describe the non-compliant parts of the web pages to help us resolve them as soon as possible.

    Tools supplied


    WindowsMac OSLinuxAndroidiOSOther


    Indicates the assistive technologies used (Jaws, Chrome Vox, ToVoice, Nvda, Google Talk, or other technology) and, if you know it, also specifies its version.
