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19/06/2019 - Events

A new initiative will be held at the Local Mind Center (Via Gramsci 29, Biella) starting from Wednesday 19 June: “APERIVIVO“.

These are 3 themed meetings.

Wednesday 19 June: Fabio Porta will hold a mini conference on the benefits of nature and trees “Nature speaks to us“.

Wednesday, June 26: a hatha yoga session with Bruno Benzoni can be tested.

Wednesday 3 July: during the last meeting a pleasant walk will be made with the “Macchie“.

All the meetings will end with a tantalizing aperitif in the Villa’s bio-energy garden.

Timetable for all appointments: 17: 30/20: 00

You must book at the secretary of the Local Mind Center at the number 015/401767.

It is possible to choose to participate only in the activity, only at the aperitif or both.
