Arte & Affini

The initiative (organized by BI Young), now in its third edition, consists of a non-profit event held on Saturday 14 May 2016 in Piazza Martiri della Libertà, in the center of Biella, with the aim of creating a day of celebration to which anyone can participate.

In particular, the event will be characterized by three moments:

– Afternoon (14.00-18.00): the central theme this year is sport, intended as a moment of aggregation and as a possibility of personal fulfillment. In the square there are numerous sports activities (soapy soccer, basketball, volleyball, rugby, dance, artistic gymnastics, fencing and many others) promoted by various associations and sports clubs (Angelico Biella, Biella Rugby, Pietro Micca and others) with the possibility of promoting themselves and to let everyone try their sports. There is also a space dedicated to sports for the disabled, managed by the Lessona Sports Club and a space dedicated to children with inflatable games. Thanks to the collaboration with OasiZegna also a corner dedicated to outdoor sports. A particular activity instead is the food collection made through a basketball competition with the collaboration of #Shareat. Everything will take place in a context characterized by the musical accompaniment of young bands from Biella.

– Aperitif in the square (18.00-20.00): aperitif managed by the bars involved (Galileo, Walhalla, Il Caffettino) who have been in charge of serving drinks and food throughout the day. Also this moment saw the presence of Biellese musical artists.

– Evening concert (21.00-02.00): concert with the performance of “I Gem Boy”. Finally the local djs evening was ended.