Autumn Foliage at the Oasi Zegna

09/10/2019 - Events

5 weekends at the Oasi Zegna to discover the magic of autumn colors with walks in the Bosco del Sorriso (12 and 13 – 19 and 20 October) and among the chestnut trees of the Moor (26 and 27 October, 2 and 3 – 9 and 10 November) , also suitable for children and four-legged friends.

In the Zegna Oasis, the foliage, together with the pre-summer flowering of the rhododendrons, is the most fascinating spectacle that the visitor can observe.

A sort of autumnal rainbow that spreads its most romantic colors on the paths. A magic that can be grasped, in the Oasi Zegna by participating in the many organized events or simply walking in freedom and stopping, perhaps, to taste the local gastronomy in one of the structures present in the natural park of Trivero Valdilana.

Guided outings, dog trekking, feasts based on typical culinary products, enliven the autumn season between the Bosco del Sorriso, the Brughiera, Castagnea di Portula and the other naturalistic sites of the Biellese Alps.

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