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Biella Creative City UNESCO: 800 thousand views on social media

17/12/2019 - Updates

After the extraordinary result achieved, with the appointment of Biella as the Unesco Creative City, for the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and for the Municipality of Biella it is time for first budgets.

Starting from the interest under the communication and media profile generated by the candidacy also through the web. Thanks to the collaboration of two local, young and dynamic companies, such as BTREES and ORANGEPIX, it has been possible to reach and involve thousands of people, not only from the territory: from institutional and economic stakeholders to individuals, all united as #millefiliuntessuto.

The positive statistical data generated lead the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio e Municipatility of Biella to thank BTREES and ORANGEPIX for the work carried out since March 1, 2019. These are the numbers coming from the social media of Biella Creative City Unesco. 800,000 views, 600,000 interactions, 3,000 clicks at the link www.biellacittacreativa.it, 50,000 video views, 350 portraits of #millefiliuntessuto.

In addition to these data, there are over 2,500 contents on Instagram with #biellacittàcreativa.

The hashtag was taken “on delivery” by Biella citizens to promote the candidacy autonomously and spread the values ​​of our territory. The visibility of the website was also excellent, as it was visited by over 7,000 unique users for over 10,000 sessions: more than 29,000 pages viewed for an average time spent in excess of 2 and a half minutes.

Beyond the numbers, the communication that led to growing support for Biella’s candidacy on the web during the year was really the “voice” that continues to convey the energy of a united territory that wants to grow and open to the outside.

We really appreciate the work done by the two Biellese companies made up of young creatives – comments Franco Ferraris president of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation -. Even through digital communication initiated during the candidacy process, Biella has been discovered outside its borders and rediscovered by us Biellesi”.

Claudio Corradino, Mayor of the City of Biella, says: “We thank those who have been close to us and have worked with us as a team over the past few months and a special mention goes to Btrees and Orangepix who have made the foundations of our unitary project known through Internet and social networks. I still have the emotion that we all experienced in seeing the photographs coming from Turin with the name of Biella projected on the Mole Antonelliana“.

We are very proud not only of the Biella victory but also of the road that has brought us here – comments Michele Tolu of ORANGEPIX -. The team work done, together towards the goal, was at the center of the candidacy and we have completely embraced this philosophy. We have always been close to the territory and, as entrepreneurs, we commit ourselves every day with passion to build our future“.

Christian Zegna of BTREES adds: “Biella Creative City Unesco is an initiative of great value and that produces an enormous and transversal benefit for all. We are convinced that it is an opportunity for a strong relaunch for the Biella area and a showcase to be able to communicate all our distinctive elements. We have believed in it from the beginning and, with us, also all the colleagues who participated in the project, whom I thank”.
