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Biella Literature and Industry Award 2019

09/10/2019 - Events

Saturday 12 October 2019 at 17.00 in the Library of Città Studi (Corso Pella 2b – Biella) will be presented the five finalist works, selected by the jury composed of Pier Francesco Gasparetto (president), Claudio Bermond, Paolo Bricco, Paola Borgna, Loredana Lipperini, Giuseppe Lupo, Marco Neiretti, Sergio Pent and Alberto Sinigaglia, of the Premio Biella Literature and Industry 2019:

– Rossana Balduzzi Gastini, Giuseppe Borsalino. The man who conquered the world with a hat (Sperling & Kupfer)

– Giorgio Falco, A hypothesis of a defeat (Einaudi)

– Maurizio Gazzarri, The boys who climbed the future (ETS editions)

– Alberto Prunetti, 108 meters. The new working class hero (Laterza)

– Eugenio Raspi, Inox (Baldini & Castoldi)

The proclamation and awarding of the winning work will take place in Città Studi on November 16th, at 17.00.
