Biella Literature and Industry Award

13/11/2019 - Events

The awards ceremony for the eighteenth edition of the Biella Literature and Industry Award will take place on Saturday 16 November at 5.00 pm at the Auditorium of Città Studi.

The authors of the winning works will be present:

Giorgio FalcoIpotesi di una sconfitta, Einaudi (Premio Biella Letteratura e Industria)

Silvino GonzatoLievito madre, Neri Pozza (Premio Speciale della Giuria)

Rossana Balduzzi GastiniGiuseppe Borsalino. L’uomo che conquistò il mondo con un cappello, Sperling & Kupfer (Premio Confindustria Piemonte)

Maurizio GazzarriI ragazzi che scalarono il futuro, Edizioni ETS (Premio Giuria dei Lettori)

During the ceremony, the winners of the competition addressed to the Biella high schools will be awarded, promoted by the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Industrial Union of Biella, “Cuore, testa, mani” and the winners of the Viverone Lago Rotary Club Award.

This year the Lions Bugella Civitas Award is added, the first edition of the national competition for the best review of one of the five finalists.

The award ceremony will end with a debate, coordinated by Paolo Piana, entitled Si nullus est ventus, with the award winner, Giorgio Falco, Andrea Rapaccini, President of MBS Consulting, a leading company in management consulting and Mario Furlan, founder of the City Angels in Milan and teacher of Motivation and personal growth.

An aperi-dinner will follow, at the Exhibition Hall of Città Studi, and, at 21.00, a musical dedicated to the winner of the 18th edition of the Award, by the theater company Carovana, entitled Librinmusical.


