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14/03/2019 - Updates

Along with the success of #innamoratidelBiellese (over 60 thousand images published on Instagram since December 2014), a new social campaign to promote the area linked to a close relationship with Biella’s candidacy in the network to become a UNESCO Creative City is on the launching pad.

The new hashtag is just #biellacittàcreativa (don’t forget the accent) and the invitation, as for the previous initiative, is aimed at all photographers, professional or amateur, who like to share images of the territory on the web. In this case the theme is almost a challenge: to show one’s creativity and, together, the “know-how” that is the main ingredient of Biella’s candidacy for UNESCO.

The images posted on Instagram with this new hashtag will be published in the photo gallery of the site www.biellacittacreativa.it, created to provide information and news on the race of the territory for world recognition. A further step is the birth of the Instagram profile @biellacittacreativa linked to the campaign that will publish original content and republish, together with the official profile of the city of Biella, those created by users.

The wish” explains Fulvia Zago, municipal councilor and “mind” of the Digital Agenda of Biella “is to repeat the success of #innamoratidel of the Biellese, which has helped to rediscover the pride of our territory in our fellow citizens“.

The UNESCO network candidacy is the result of the commitment of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and the Municipality, which is also a partner of the Digital Agenda projects. The logo that marks the campaign is the result of the creativity of Michelangelo Pistoletto who, with Cittadellarte, is in turn a supporter of the candidacy.
