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05/08/2019 - Events

Bolle di Malto is the appointment dedicated to Italian craft beers and quality street food.

The protagonists are the Italian microbreweries, called to satisfy the palate of the public with genuine proposals based on selected ingredients, each with their own unique and inimitable creations.

The program includes live music concerts, meetings with experts and taste workshops where you can experience the local gastronomy.

An unmissable opportunity to discover the potential of our territory and share the pleasures and culture of craft beer and good food with friends!

On Friday 2 August, the press conference for the fifth edition of Bolle di Malto took place in the boardroom of Palazzo Oropa.

The event, which this year will take place from 29 August to 2 September, aims to grow, confirming itself as the 1st event dedicated to beer for participation in Italy, with the aim of reaching 100.000 visitors over the course of the event.

The location will be that of Piazza Martiri, in the city center.

There will also be moments of good music: starting from the presence of the leading band La Rua in Sanremo Giovani and Seveso Casino Palace and Street Clerks from X Factor.

The numbers of Bubbles of Malt:

22 breweries

Over 200 beers

15 street food

10 side events

2.400 minutes of live music

3.000 posters

250.000 flyers

700.000 web social contacts.

Read the entire program on the website: www.bolledimalto.it and on https://www.facebook.com/BollediMalto/
