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Andrea Lucchetta for Biella Creative city!

Volleyball player Champion of Europe (1989) and of the World (1990), winner of three consecutive World League with the unforgettable National coached by Julio Velasco, then commentator and television presenter appreciated by adults and children.

Here are the presentations of the volcanic Andrea Lucchetta who knows how to be creative and who sent us his video supporting the candidacy of BIella Unesco Creative City 2019.

Watch the video Andrea Lucchetta for Biella Creative City

Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation

Here is the photo of the full staff of Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation, partner of the Municipality of Biella and of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation as part of the candidacy of Biella Creative City 2019.

Cittadellarte is a new model of artistic and cultural institution that places art in direct interaction with different sectors of society.

A place where ideas and projects that combine creativity and entrepreneurship, training and production, ecology and architecture, politics and spirituality converge.

A multi-faceted organism intended to produce civilization, activating a responsible social change that is necessary and urgent at the local and global level.

A laboratory-school dedicated to the study, experimentation and development of practices that translate the symbol of the Third Paradise into reality, implying it in every social sphere and in every type of organization, starting from the single individual to the highest organizations such as the United Nations .

Visit the site: www.cittadellarte.it

Città Studi also supports the candidacy

The Biella University Campus of Città Studi – which houses the decentralized offices of the most important universities in Northern Italy (Turin University, Turin Polytechnic, University of Eastern Piedmont and Milan Polytechnic) – actively supports the candidacy of Biella Città creative UNESCO 2019.

Biellese excellence in the field of professional training and research, Città Studi in supporting candidacy demonstrates the awareness that the younger generations are one of the fundamental strengths for the growth of the territory.



Biella Creative City higher and higher

After the illumination of the Mole Antonelliana in Turin to support the candidacy, the symbol of the Third Paradise by Michelangelo Pistoletto also arrives in the highest point of Piedmont. Last weekend a banner was placed at 4554 meters above sea level, at the Regina Margherita Observatory Hut, under the municipality of Alagna Valsesia.

This was done by the former Vice President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Paola Garbella: “I thought it was a good omen to bring Biella up high, as high as possible in Piedmont. I then took the opportunity to place the banner at the Capanna Margherita“.

Accompanying her on this trip was her husband and Stefano Perrone, a Biella guide. “Also Stefano and all the boys present at the Margherita have supported the gesture – gloss Garbella – While we were tying the cloth firmly, many of those present were interested in the initiative and wanted to know more about the candidacy .


Biella, in the list of the 4 finalists chosen by Rome to represent Italy in Paris, is facing the second part of the evaluation process: the summer review of the Dossier by UNESCO delegates and technicians, and by the cities already in the network.

One of the strategic projects in Biella’s Dossier involves an exceptional partner: the Republic of Namibia, one of the regions currently underrepresented in the UNESCO network.

The project, based on the specific know-how and identity of the two territories involved, traces a creative axis between the Italian capital of wool, Biella, and Keetmanshoop, reference city of the Namibian wool region, Karas.

Born thanks to the mediation of the Consul and the Ambassador of Namibia, the project was developed according to UN AGENDA 2030 dictates and addresses the issues of environmental sustainability, animal cruelty-free practices, manufacturing creativity.

The Namibian project is a cooperation model that Biella wants to extend to other cities already in the network, on specific creative sector and/or crosscutting initiatives.

In the photo the monument, in the center of Keetmanshoop (Namibia), which commemorates the arrival of the first Karakul sheeps in 1907.


Even the Biella Hospital supports the candidacy

The Local Health Authority of Biella supports and enthusiastically supports the candidacy of “Biella Creative City”, telling the artistic project of humanization implemented in the new garrison and that wants to be the reflection of a territory, the Biella area, versatile and increasingly capable to renew itself and to relate to each other, enhancing its resources and potential in a network logic.

Since 2015 the Third Paradise has been hosted as a central symbol on the roof of the hospital garden, signed by the master Michelangelo Pistoletto and created by the students of the High School “G. and Q. Sella” of Biella.

The decision to place it in the new garrison, in a point visible from all areas of hospitalization, is the result of an intuition that reflects the desire to create a technological and avant-garde health center, but where the human component and hospitality were equally important and therefore immediately noticeable for the people who access it, as well as for professionals who work every day.

Read the entire press release attached:



Ezio Greggio also supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City!

Ezio Greggio, one of the most famous faces of TV, also supports Biella’s candidacy for the 2019 Unesco Creative City.

Yesterday, Sunday 21 July, Cossato’s showman from Los Angeles directly chose Instagram to support Biella in his race: “Today I want to launch from Los Angeles where I am in these days, an appeal in favor of the “candidacy of BIELLA to UNESCO Creative Cities Network” […] I am enthusiastic as a public man of TV, cinema and communication of Biella origin that Biella is carrying out the UNESCO candidacy and I hope with all my heart that it can become a Creative city. And I make myself available together with all the other Biella testimonials to convince Paris that BIELLA is the right choice to become “Unesco Creative Cities Network”“.

Read his entire statement attached or directly on the Instagram page: @ezio_greggio


Aussi Ezio Greggio, l’un des visages les plus célèbres de la télévision, soutient la candidature de Biella à la Cité créative de l’Unesco 2019.

Hier, dimanche 21 juillet, le showman de Cossato à Los Angeles a directement choisi Instagram pour soutenir Biella dans sa course: “Aujourd’hui, je souhaite lancer depuis Los Angeles, où je me trouve ces jours-ci, un appel en faveur de la “candidature de BIELLA à l’UNESCO Réseau des villes créatives” […] Je suis enthousiaste en tant qu’homme public de la télévision, du cinéma et de la communication d’origine Biella que Biella est en train de mener à bien la candidature de l’UNESCO et j’espère de tout cœur qu’elle deviendra une ville créative. Et je me rends disponible avec tous les autres témoignages de Biella pour convaincre Paris que BIELLA est le bon choix pour devenir le “Réseau des villes créatives de l’Unesco”“.

Lire l’intégralité de sa déclaration ci-jointe ou directement sur la page Instagram: @ezio_greggio



La Mole lights up for Biella Creative City Unesco 2019

Last night the Mole Antonelliana lit up for the candidacy of Biella Creative City Unesco 2019.  Turin and the Region are cheering for our city!

The logo with the symbol of the Third Paradise by Michelangelo Pistoletto has been exhibited on the Mole with a play of lights that all Turinese and tourists in the city will be able to admire this evening too.

And in the meantime confirmation has also arrived from the Unesco Commission of Paris: “we are pleased to inform you that your city’s application to the 2019 UNESCO Creative Cities Network Call for Applications is complete“.

The dossier will now be sent to the commission that will take care of the evaluation. The result will be announced in November 2019.


Hier soir, la Mole Antonelliana s’est allumée pour la candidature de Biella Ville créative Unesco 2019. Turin et la région encouragent notre ville!

Le logo avec le symbole du Troisième Paradis de Michelangelo Pistoletto a été exposé sur la Mole avec un jeu de lumières que tous les turinois et les touristes de la ville pourront également admirer ce soir.

Entre-temps, la Commission Unesco de Paris nous a également confirmé: “nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le dossier de votre ville, reçu dans le cadre de l’Appel à candidatures 2019 du Réseau des villes créatives de l’UNESCO, est complet“.

Le dossier va maintenant être envoyé à la commission qui se chargera de l’évaluation. Le résultat sera annoncé en novembre 2019.