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Forum “Value and Culture of Water and the Environment”

Organized by Biella (20-21 october 2023), UNESCO Creative City since 2019 for crafts and popular art (Crafts and Folk Art), the Forum “Value and Culture of Water and the Environment” is an opportunity to delve deeper into the themes of the cycle of water. In particular, those linked to environmental fragility, hydro-geological risk, climate change, soil impoverishment, urban management, post-flood reconstruction, induced process phases such as energy, integrated water services and water management.


UNESCO Open Circuit

Great end for the Arcipelago Festival which on October 31st will celebrate the two years since the appointment of Biella as a UNESCO Creative City with a special “Creative Open Circuit among Biella’s excellences”.

Over a dozen companies involved will open their offices for the occasion free of charge to visitors who will thus be able to discover the secrets of the “creative know-how” that brought Biella to the UNESCO network.

Gigant by the Biellese artist Daniele Basso in the name of Unesco

“Gigant” made its debut. The sculpture by the biellese artist Daniele Basso, for the Ski World Cup Alta Badia – Dolomites (UNESCO heritage), illuminated with the tricolor: art expresses what words can’t do.

From Alta Badia to the world, a universal message of identity and will of Italy to start again with the strength of a gigant. “Celebrating the courage and the people who don’t back from the challenge of life”.

MADE IN BIELLA turns 40 years old

It was 1979 when a young Biellese named Ezio Greggio, together with his sister Paola and Davide Dondena, had a simple and ingenious intuition: to tell everything that is happening in their city in a magazine that gives voice to an ancient yet very modern industry, at the center of the production of a system that at the end of the 1970s was about to become a planetary phenomenon.

This is how the first issue of Made in Biella is born, a six-monthly issue that tells the story of the textile companies of the Biella district.

Right from the start the mission of the magazine is clear: to bring to the fore all the facets of a production system of excellence, which has deep roots in history but also in the geography of a unique and resourceful territory, but too often not told by the press mainstream.

The consensus is immediate: from the pages of Made in Biella pass fundamental events of a group of entrepreneurs who, from the tradition of men’s fabrics, will build, in a magical moment in the history of our country, the myth of Made in Italy.

Thus, prestigious names and small businesses have the opportunity to talk about themselves and make themselves known, and with them grows a city that today can fully define itself as a “city of fashion“.

The great television success inevitably projects Ezio Greggio in a more Milanese dimension, however the affection and its presence will never be missing. Sister Paola together with her husband Davide Dondena give lymph and backbone to the magazine that through the 80s and 90s punctually tells about the becoming of a production complex that has become from local dimensions a pole of international interest, with professional training schools and research laboratories, sensitive to the demands of sustainable economy even before it became a priority for the entire fashion system.

Today, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the magazine (now in its eightieth issue, with a special cover created by Ugo Nespolo), Paola Greggio is still coordinating the special issue. With her Giusi Ferrè and Silvano Esposito, to tell forty places to visit, forty specialties to taste, forty names that have written the history of the city of Biella.

Forty years of fashion lived in the front row through news and opinions that are – today more than ever – an opportunity to tell our past and reflect on our future.




The project was born in 2008 from the comparison between the Municipality of Biella / Informagiovani and the Province of Biella / Employment Center and offers young graduates / undergraduates in the area the opportunity to carry out a six-month paid internship in companies based in Biella to develop a quality training project, with a minimum economic payment of € 700 monthly.

There will be 20 internships available for this new edition.

Interested companies can apply until 10 February 2020.

The tender for young people will be available from March with 20 seats.

Read the entire press release:



Biella Creative City UNESCO: 800 thousand views on social media

After the extraordinary result achieved, with the appointment of Biella as the Unesco Creative City, for the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and for the Municipality of Biella it is time for first budgets.

Starting from the interest under the communication and media profile generated by the candidacy also through the web. Thanks to the collaboration of two local, young and dynamic companies, such as BTREES and ORANGEPIX, it has been possible to reach and involve thousands of people, not only from the territory: from institutional and economic stakeholders to individuals, all united as #millefiliuntessuto.

The positive statistical data generated lead the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio e Municipatility of Biella to thank BTREES and ORANGEPIX for the work carried out since March 1, 2019. These are the numbers coming from the social media of Biella Creative City Unesco. 800,000 views, 600,000 interactions, 3,000 clicks at the link www.biellacittacreativa.it, 50,000 video views, 350 portraits of #millefiliuntessuto.

In addition to these data, there are over 2,500 contents on Instagram with #biellacittàcreativa.

The hashtag was taken “on delivery” by Biella citizens to promote the candidacy autonomously and spread the values ​​of our territory. The visibility of the website was also excellent, as it was visited by over 7,000 unique users for over 10,000 sessions: more than 29,000 pages viewed for an average time spent in excess of 2 and a half minutes.

Beyond the numbers, the communication that led to growing support for Biella’s candidacy on the web during the year was really the “voice” that continues to convey the energy of a united territory that wants to grow and open to the outside.

We really appreciate the work done by the two Biellese companies made up of young creatives – comments Franco Ferraris president of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation -. Even through digital communication initiated during the candidacy process, Biella has been discovered outside its borders and rediscovered by us Biellesi”.

Claudio Corradino, Mayor of the City of Biella, says: “We thank those who have been close to us and have worked with us as a team over the past few months and a special mention goes to Btrees and Orangepix who have made the foundations of our unitary project known through Internet and social networks. I still have the emotion that we all experienced in seeing the photographs coming from Turin with the name of Biella projected on the Mole Antonelliana“.

We are very proud not only of the Biella victory but also of the road that has brought us here – comments Michele Tolu of ORANGEPIX -. The team work done, together towards the goal, was at the center of the candidacy and we have completely embraced this philosophy. We have always been close to the territory and, as entrepreneurs, we commit ourselves every day with passion to build our future“.

Christian Zegna of BTREES adds: “Biella Creative City Unesco is an initiative of great value and that produces an enormous and transversal benefit for all. We are convinced that it is an opportunity for a strong relaunch for the Biella area and a showcase to be able to communicate all our distinctive elements. We have believed in it from the beginning and, with us, also all the colleagues who participated in the project, whom I thank”.

Ricetto di Candelo pays homage to Biella Creative City

This morning the Mayor of Candelo Paolo Gelone and the President of the Pro Loco Cristian Bonifacio invited the Master Michelangelo Pistoletto, the President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation Franco Ferraris, the Councilor of the Piedmont Region Elena Chiorino, the Mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino and the Engineer Alessandro Barberis Canonico with the aim of showing the “Santa Claus village” just ended, and the tribute realized for Biella Creative City.

We can only be happy with how Candelo managed to bring the name and symbol of Biella Creative City to thousands of people in this Christmas period – declares the mayor of Candelo Paolo GeloneThe Ricetto of Candelo is our history, the fine fabrics are our tradition, Biella Creative City and the Third Paradise are the vision towards the future, the challenge that the territory launches to itself and to the world, starting from its roots“.

Nature and archeology: the Biella parks

The project Nature and archeology: the Biella parks. Baraggia, Bessa, Burcina is closely related and completes the project “Ancient Civilizations: the man in Burcina” already co-financed by the Ticino and Lake Maggiore Protected Areas Management Authority and by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

The objective is to put the Biella naturalistic heritage under the hat of archeology and therefore of culture: Baraggia di Candelo, Bessa and Burcina.

The project actions concerned the continuation of archaeological investigations at the Burcina Park and the carrying out of surveys, surveys and studies on rock carvings concerning all three areas of Biella. The results were very interesting and validated by the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape, a design partner who constantly oversaw the scientific direction of all the actions that were implemented, in the persons of Dr. Archeologist Lucia Mordeglia and Dr. Archeologist Elisa Lanza.

Dr. Archaeologist Matteo Aspesi who conducted the verification of the archaeological interest of the “erratic boulder present in Burcina” considered “sustainable the symbolic-functional vocation of the boulder present in Burcina Park” and therefore worthy of a specific study.

The Archaeologist Dr. Antonella Gabutti who conducted archaeological assistance to the surveys of stratigraphic assessment on the basis of which 3 surveys gave positive results: “pole holes and a hearth were found, an abundance of ceramic fragments and the recovery of a millstone saddle testify to the past presence on the hill of the Burcina Park of a settlement dating from the ceramic material to the final Bronze / Iron start. The hypothesis of a work worthy of further study is that of the existence of a hut with a built-in base“.

In addition to the purely study and research actions, a short geo-archaeological guide of the protected areas at the foot of the Biellesi Alps was carried out in parallel, by Dr. Archaeologist Angela Deodato.

Finally, 3 video clips were produced, each lasting 4.00 / 5.00 minutes, informative and suggestive with information gathered by Prospettiva Nevsky Prospect, by Manuele Cecconello with the collaboration of dronist Roberto Tacca and Roberto Ramella.

Attached is the press release.



The cold is not the same for everyone!

With the swooping mercury column, the Emergency Cold project Biella returns, which for seven years, every winter, has welcomed the invisible, avoiding the cold of the night.

Some numbers:

11,145 nights indoors in a bed

11,980 hot dinners

645 service days

For donations: IT66B06090223000000013890039 – cause “Emergency cold”

Info 015 22721 int. 233

Attached is the press release.
