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Centro Rete e Archivi della Moda del ‘900

14/11/2019 - Events

2010-2020 – Ten years of the Biellese Network of Textile and Fashion Archives and Fashion Archives of the ‘900

The preview of the Decennial is an idea of ​​Marinella Bianco, co-creator of the Biellese Rete Tessili Archives and Fashion Center and already responsible for Piedmont of the ANAI project of the 20th century fashion archives to start a comparison between different textile and fashion realities Italian in order to lay the foundations for a national network project that is intends to launch in October 2020.

SHOW 1 – 30 November 2019

Biella, a portrait of a factory town“. A widespread photographic exhibition conceived as a journey of over three hundred images that has its points of view in four exhibition spaces located within some cultural institutions of the city: Camera del Lavoro, Città Studi Library, Foundation Sella, Culture space of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Cittadellarte Pistoletto Foundation


8 – 22 November 2019

Doors open in the archival sites Biellese Centro Rete Tessili and Moda Archives

The visits will make it possible to observe the operating methods, to come into contact with original documents and materials of significant historical interest and of growing importance for the “subjects” who preserve them, as well as for Italian history. Specifically it will be possible to visit:

the Documentation Center of the Biella Chamber of Labor;

The archive of Vercellone Wool Mills;

Casa Zegna;

Wheel Factory

Civic Library

Archive of the Sanctuary of Oropa


15 November 2019

Work, welfare, inclusion: the governance of innovations

At the Città Studi Auditorium

Meeting between:

– Antonio Calabrò, vice president of Assolombarda and director of the Pirelli Foundation, President of Museimpresa;

– Susanna Camusso, trade unionist, former Secretary General of the CGIL.

discussant: Stefano Parola, journalist of “La Repubblica”.


November 13, 2019,

At the Banca Sella Auditorium


Screening of the documentary film “Newmuseum (S) – Stories of Company Archives and Museums” and round table.

For the complete program:

