16/06/2018 - Events

The BI Young association organizes a cultural-musical festival on 16 June 2018.

This event represents a real opening day in which the doors of Biella Piazzo, the historic center of the city, are open to citizens who can visit it and live it to the full in the following three months thanks to the numerous events that the Cultural Center of Biella Piazzo proposes them.

The festival, whose title is “Cistærna“, a combination of the words “Ci sta!”, An expression used by young people today, and Piazza Cisterna, the place where the event takes place, took place on 16 June 2018 from 18.00: 00 at 02:00.

The “Gruppo Aperto” association broke the ice. It was formed by young citizens of Biella from different voluntary organizations and associations who, for the occasion, organized a meeting entitled “A journey in Trump’s America, well explained” with Francesco Costa, journalist and deputy director of “The Post”.

From 8.00 pm it was possible to enjoy an aperitif in the square provided by well-known local Biellese, to accompany the two famous emerging local bands: Fanked Out Band and The Bowman.

The first group to perform the “Cobalt” of the label “Why Beat“, Luke, Floris, Dado and Mareo played their “love songs born on a sofa between cigarettes, white sheets and high volume Beatles’ songs“.

Following two well-known faces from the independent Italian music scene including the duo Viito, their song “Bella come Roma” debuted directly at the top of Spotify’s Viral50 Italy, where it remained for seven days, recording over 100,000 plays in the first week.

Following My best compliments, a Milanese from Bocconi who brought his debut ep “Walter and Carolina’s love misadventures” to the stage.

The evening ended with a dj-set by our local Giacomo Barbera, a university student who moved to Great Britain at Oxford to continue his studies, a great lover of music and highly skilled DJs.

In the square, visitors enjoyed several local bars, ready to supply beers, cocktails and coffee, and truck food for all tastes, sandwiches, skewers, fried foods and more.
