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Days of the Serra

04/06/2019 - Events

The Days of the Serra is an initiative born from the passion of some for the territory of the Serra Morainic Hill with the aim of enhancing and promoting the territory from the social, cultural and economic point of view by connecting the people and administrations of both the Eporediese and Biellese slopes.

This commitment is expressed in an annual event called Days of the Serra which wants to be both a party and a moment of confrontation on common themes.

The initial working group, in which anyone can participate, has formed an association of social promotion called “Serra Development Agency” to which private citizens, organizations or associations can register.

This year they are organized in the Municipality of Salussola with the theme “From archeology to rice fields“.


Friday 7 June

6.00 pm – Opening by the Municipal Administration with the presentation of the event.

At the Gold and Stone Laboratory Museum, temporary exhibition “De AgriCultura” of agricultural equipment loaned by Mr. Pier Emilio Calliera.

7.00 pm – Opening of the “Market of excellence“, with presentation of local food and wine products. Entertainment by the Primary School of Salussola will follow.

Awarding of companies “Excellence of the Serra“.

Saturday 8 June 

From 2.30pm to 6.30pm – Opening of the Gold and Stone Laboratory Museum.

Gold research laboratories are organized by appointment by the Biellese Association of Gold Diggers from Vermogno and simulated archaeological excavation workshops held by Dr. Daniela Palladino.

7.00 pmPro Loco in piazza Food and wine evening of the Pro Loco with their typical dishes and musical entertainment in the squares.

Sunday 9 June

10.30 am – Conference “From archeology to rice fields” held by the archaeologist dott. Francesco Rubat Borel of the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Turin.

12.30 pm – Lunch prepared by the host Pro Loco, in the dedicated structure, with the theme “Variations of risottos”. Welcome to the numbers 0161 998127 or 347 9001631 by Friday 7th.

14.30 pm – Real Estate Day promotion and housing proposals in the territory of the municipalities participating in the Days of the Serra.

16.00 pm – Concert of the municipal bands, greetings and the passing of the bell to Albiano d’Ivrea, organizer of the Days of the Greenhouse 2020 event

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