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18/06/2019 - Events

After the great success of the first edition on 1 and 2 December 2018, Etsy Biella is back, an event aimed at artisans, vintage collectors and hobbyists.

Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 June in the splendid setting of Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation a market will be organized to discover and promote local crafts, learn about the realities of the area that treat vintage items and others that create new splendid objects for all tastes!

The event will be surrounded by street food banquets, workshops for children and art installations, all dedicated to recycling and sustainability.

During the market the following non-profit organizations will be present and with various fundraising initiatives: Bottega dei Mestieri (Craft Shop), Banca del Giocattolo (Toy Bank).

There will also be the Jolly Animations association with activities dedicated to children such as “make-up for children” and a bubble workshop.

Entrance to the exhibition hall will be free and customers, where they wish, will be able to buy products on display directly from the stalls set up by the artisans.

For the detailed program, see the page: EtsyBiella at Cittadellarte
