
16/12/2019 - Events

The Autobiographical Narrative Laboratory dedicates a very special exhibition that will be hosted in the Mente Locale Center from 16 to 21 December 2019, from 09.00 to 17.00.

The title is “Fantastic-Mind” and the subject of the exhibition will be the oil paintings and the crochet works of two people, Giacomo and Gemma, who participated in the activities of the Laboratory.

One of the objectives of the laboratory“, explains Luisa Mello Grosso, who has been leading the business for two years “is that of returning the stories that are collected during our meetings. This year the theme was passions and it seemed nice to exhibit not only the stories, but also the real objects born of these interests“.

One of the important aspects of the narrative laboratory is that of socialization” adds Luisa Mello Grosso. “Telling allows us to share common elements, to feel stimulated to remember, to feel heard. During our meetings we do not limit ourselves to collecting oral memories, but we always make connections, for example with musical pieces or photographs, trying to stimulate a plurality of cognitive functions that help to make the memory re-emerge“.

The Autobiographical Narrative Laboratory is included in the calendar of activities of the Mente Locale meeting center.

It takes place weekly, every Wednesday afternoon. It is open both to those attending the Local Mind meeting center and to the users of the ASL Biella Memory Center. Those interested and would like to participate, can call the Secretariat of Mente Locale, from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 17.00, at 015401767 or send an email.

The Mente Locale meeting center is located in Villa Boffo, renovated and made available for the activities of AIMA Biella, by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.


