Festival of Ancient Music in Magnano

09/08/2019 - Events

Imagine a romanesque Church, lost in the fields at the end of an unpaved road. You walk in, sit down and the lights dim, leaving you in candlelight.

The music starts. This is the experience we invite you to come discover, where you can hear early music, performed in the spirit of the period in which it was composed, on original instruments or copies.

Created in 1986 with the collaboration of passionate friends, Musica Antica a Magnano has gradually extended its activities to concerts, music courses and a bi-annual symposium. We invite you to discover them through this site and hope to see you soon.

The Festival concerts are held in August and early September. The antique beauty of the buildings in which they take place, a 12th-century church and the town’s 17th-century church, enhance this experience.

The concerts will start at 21.00. Admission is free but reservation required.

We invite you to discover them on the website www.musicaanticamagnano.com
