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13/05/2019 - Events

On 13 and 14 May 2019, the EUNIC Focal Points Meeting was held in the spaces of the Pistoletto Foundation. Some of the protagonists of the two days intervened at Cittadellarte’s microphones: we propose their video-interventions here: http://journal.cittadellarte.it/arte-societa/cittadellarte-focal-points-meeting-ofthe-initutis-culture-nationals -dellunione-European-video

Organize general assemblies and discuss strategic decisions to be taken within the EUNIC network: this is the focus of the Focal Points Meeting of the national cultural institutes of the European Union, held in Cittadellarte.

EUNIC is the network of national cultural institutes, with 36 members from all 28 EU member states and offices in over 150 countries. Members work in the arts, languages, youth, education, science, society, intercultural dialogue and development; at local level, instead, they meet in over 100 clusters – in cities, regions and countries – to collaborate on joint projects and programs and to promote the role of culture in the EU’s internal and external relations (the Global EUNIC Office in Brussels supports the work of EUNIC clusters around the world).

Regarding the appointment held in Biella, the participants, in addition to the scheduled work sessions in the two days, also visited the spaces of the Pistoletto Foundation. But not only: Michelangelo Pistoletto and Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, during a meeting illustrated to them the principles of the Third Paradise, the Art Project Manifesto of the Biellese master, the function of the Rebirth Forums and much more.
