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In time and in the places of Sebastiano

10/06/2019 - Updates

The Virgin of the Rocks, the rediscovered masterpiece attributed to Bernardino de ‘Conti, a Milanese follower of Leonardo, becomes the object of study also by the Storie di Piazza association for a theatrical interpretation that will allow the public to discover new aspects of Renaissance life.

The show “In the time and in the places of Sebastiano” that will take place on June 15-16 will be represented in the garden of Ferrero Palace and will offer the possibility to the public to live an immersive experience in which the era can also be understood through the exaltation of sounds, tastes, music, words and characters.

For this reason, the novelty of the event is that it is precisely the flavors of the time that welcome the public for a buffet in Renaissance style, before the theatrical event, in the precious frame of the Palazzo Ferrero courtyard.

The theme evening foresees the possibility for the public to present themselves in Renaissance clothes.

With the text by Renato D’Urtica, directed by Manuela Tamietti, the scenes and costumes by Laura Rossi and the music by Sergio Pugnalin, involves the involvement of about twenty professional and amateur actors of the territory, including the students of UPBeduca.

Appointment then at 19.30 with the Renaissance table and to follow after 21.30, theater show with multimedia and live music.

Full price ticket 13 euros

Buffet 19 euros (drinks not included)

Entertainment and dinner 30 euros

Reduced ticket: 10 euros for the show 25 euros for show and dinner

1. Exhibiting the admission ticket to the exhibition “The Renaissance in Biella – Sebastiano Ferrero and his sons, 1519 – 2019”

2. If you present yourself in Renaissance clothes

3. Exhibiting the UPBeduca card and Storie Di Piazza

Information and reservations required: info@palazzoferrero.it – ​​388 5647455



