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Mixed fried

13/12/2019 - Events

The exhibition “Mixed fried” opens on Saturday 14 December 2019 at 18.30 at the Zaion Gallery (Salita di Riva 3, Ex Pria Wool Mill, Biella).

Almost four years after his first solo show titled “MORF”, the duo of urban artists HOWLERS composed by Gioele Bertin and Francesca Melina returns from Zaion Gallery Biella with a solo show whose title is a whole program: “MIXED FRIED. A metaphor of the contemporary identity“.

The Mixed fried exhibit aims to focus on the characteristics of identity building today and the role of orientation that the individual has assumed in our society. The attempt is to give a non-simplifying vision of the reality that surrounds us every day and to do it through metaphors.

The aim that the artists hope to achieve is to place themselves both critically and proactively as mere narrators of an increasingly fragmented, fast and confused newspaper. The two urban artists have ventured into the production of a cycle of works that represent unconventional mixed fried foods that want to become a representation of this reality: of various kinds and different nature, they enjoyed mixing elements apparently in contrast with each other but, held together by the fry binder, they create a unique and decidedly cloying taste.

Opening hours: Wednesday – Thursday – Friday 16.30 | 19.30 or by appointment at 380 5140212

DECEMBER 14th | 17 JANUARY 2020

For info:

380 5140212 | www.zaiongallery.com
